Novinka:elektor: KiCad Like a Pro
(Kategória: Datasheet-ZONE)
Zaslal EdizonTN

This book will teach you to use KiCad. Whether you are a hobbyist or an electronics engineer, this book will help you become productive quickly, and start designing your own boards. This book takes a practical approach to learning. It consists of four projects of incremental difficulty and recipes.

The projects will teach you basic and advanced features of KiCad (version 5.0). If you have absolutely no prior knowledge of PCB design, you will find that the introductory project will teach you the very basics. You can then continue with the rest of the projects. You will design a board for a breadboard power supply, a tiny Raspberry Pi HAT, and an Arduino clone with extended memory and clock integrated circuits.

Special Price
$37.00 Printed version
$38.00 Digital (pdf) version

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